It’s a Posture β€” Not Behavioral Modification

What is the meaning of holiness?

If you've spent time in church, you might know when to lift your hands, shout, and say amen. However, true holiness transcends these outward expressions.

Holiness isn't just a concept; it's a postureβ€”a deliberate choice to set ourselves apart for God's purposes. However, cultural christianity can deceive us into adopting a superficial version of holiness, merely mirroring the behaviors of those around us instead of embodying genuine devotion.

Recently, I've come to understand holiness through two lenses. Firstly, there's positional holiness, recognizing that Christ's sacrifice has reconciled us with God, granting us new identities with corresponding responsibilities.

Subsequently, behavioral holiness follows suit, urging us to align our actions with our newfound positions. By adopting the right posture, we fulfill the expectations of holy beings. This journey is continuous and doesn't unfold overnight.

Even in moments of falling short, it's crucial to remember that unlike a dissatisfied tenant who cannot remain in an apartment, the Holy Spirit dwelling within us doesn't demand a refund. Instead, He calls us to repentance, offering grace and guidance along our journey.


Dear God,

As we reflect on the essence of holiness and its significance in our lives, help us to align our hearts and actions with the calling over our lives, recognizing the transformative power of Your grace. May we walk in obedience and reverence, knowing that You equip us for every step of the journey. In Your name, we pray.


πŸ“–[Scriptures: 1 Peter 1:14-16 | 1 Peter 2: 9 | Ephesians 4:1 | 2 Corinthians 7:1]

β€” After reading Sunday devo, I often find solace in worship music. If you're inclined to do the same, here are some of my favorite 🎡playlists, β€” Ground-Breaking Worship has been on repeat for the past few weeks!


Taiwo Ade

researcher | storyteller

Living Legacies: In Our Abraham Era


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