What’s on my Bookshelf? — Fall 2024 szn finale
This post is dedicated to books that made me hotter, smarter, and richer this year (shoutout to Maggie Sellers for the mantra). While I read a total of 15 books in 2024, I’m sharing the reads that changed my life for the better.
You can call this my 2024 Consumption Wrapped.
The Best Books I Bought + Borrowed in 2023
Every year, I aim to read 10 books for leisure & luxury. Some years, I manage to finish all 10, while in other instances, I've eased the pace, settling around 6 to 8 books. It's not so much about the numerical count; rather, I assign a number to maintain a steady momentum and keep the reading journey alive.
What you feed grows — what you starve dies🥗
But what I've come to discover is that we don't have to accept whatever life serves us. We have the power to decline the “meal”, to deliberately choose to let it wither away, to starve the elements that no longer serve us, paving the way for a more nourishing and empowering path ahead.
Making enjoyment a way of life🤸🏾
Contrary to the TikTok hashtag, my travels are not focused on chasing black girl luxury (although I can't resist looking good while traveling). Traveling, for me, extends beyond celebrating milestones or special occasions; it revolves around enjoying God’s creations all over the world, because enjoyment is a gift to us.
Twenty22 wrapped 💝
Throughout 2022, there were moments when I felt like I was on top of the world, like Burna selling out MSG, when everything seemed to fall into place, and I was unstoppable. But there were also times when I was knocked down and had to pick myself back up again. Through it all, I learned that life is about more than just achieving goals, but rather, a collection of experiences.
🍂 Sugar, Chai, and Pumpkin Spice
Talk about a plot twist — I was on the verge of ‘tearing my clothes’ as the Bible characters do when in despair. But if I’ve learned anything from this season, it’s that when God says no, then issa no for me dawg. No resisting. No forcing. No negotiating.
He thinks You’re to die for
“In today’s intense work environment and the ‘you sleep, we grind’ hustle culture, it can be easy to equate your perceived level of busyness with your self-worth. For far too long I believed the lie that I should always be hustling, always striving because the more I sow, the more I’ll reap… right?
I didn’t go to the Grammys
I didn’t win a Grammy, but I’d still like to take this time to celebrate this win.
Like Kanye said in his 2005 Grammy acceptance speech, “appreciate every moment.” We don’t have to wait until something becomes a memory, or we receive accolades to appreciate it.
A Time For Everything 💐
It has been said that things must end for things to begin. In theory that quote sounds good to me and probably something I’d post on my Instagram story on any given day, but in practice, it’s difficult for me to accept. So, believe me when I say it took a WHOLE lot out of me to say goodbye to 2021 Taiwo.
The Category is Neutrals🧴
Cozy fits are my go-to, but this time around I wanted to wear something that makes me feel posh and luxe, giving rich aunty just pulled up with the big boys. I figured I’d find a beige turtleneck to match a cream mini skirt I already have in my closet.
2021 Wrapped 🎁
For all those times I doubted, and asked “but when God?” He answered by giving me the gift that is 2021. A year full of mountaintops + valleys, laughter + tears, endings + beginnings – this year was a reminder that my God doesn’t play about His children.